Dr Julian Haszard

Julian graduated with BDS from Otago in 1999 and then worked for five years as a general dentist in NZ and the UK. Julian completed his orthodontic training at the University of Melbourne in 2007 and then worked in the UK. In 2011 Julian returned to his hometown of New Plymouth and set-up Total orthodontics with a branch in Hawera. Julian also works in Remuera with Drs Max and Beresford and is the visiting orthodontic specialist and the Taranaki Base Hopsital.
Julian is a registered specialist oorthodontist and is member of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons and Royal Colleges of Surgeons Edinburgh in Orthodontics. Julian is a co-founder of SmileHigh in Nepal and visits as often as possible to provide dental care to children in remote mountain areas.